Monday, March 15, 2010

50 days and Counting Down....

Wow! Only 50 days left of our countdown! Where did all the time go?

We went to the see Dr. H Thursday for our 32 week appointment. All is still well:) Baby G is measuring right where he/she should be and has a strong heartbeat of 144 beats per minute!

Nothing much else exciting to report, except that we are happy Baby G is staying put for now. We will now start seeing Dr. H every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks. Not really looking forward to all the appointments, but at least the snow has cleared for a better drive there!

Mom V. surprised me this week with some warm-weather maternity clothes! A cute t-shirt and some capris that will work now and after the baby arrives. Here's to wishful thinking that I can wear them soon!! So happy to have something to spice up my was getting awfully boring here as we go into month #8!

Still waiting for the first official sign of Spring----a garage sale sign! I'll let you know when I see one....

Baby G, your Uncle Scott felt you move this week! We had dinner with Uncle Scott and Aunt Jill on Sunday. Aunt Jill made some awesome Sausage bread and then we played Scrabble. While we were playing the game you were moving all over the place--we could see my stomach moving from side to side, so Uncle Scott came over and put his hand on my belly to see if he could feel you. You didn't disappoint--a big kick for him! It was pretty funny:) I know they are so excited to meet you. You are going to love them so much and your cousin Rocky too!

And not to disappoint, here is the every-growing Baby G at 32 weeks:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Childbirth Education Classes

Ron and I spent the entire day Saturday at Holland Hospital. Don't worry, not for more contractions:) We had planned this visit! We went for our Childbirth Education class and for a tour of the Boven Birth Center.

We were both nervous and excited. We had hoped to meet lots of other parents-to-be and get a lot out of the class.

Needless to say...there was no participation which was disappointing to us both. There was also very, very little time for question and answer. Basically, we spent the whole day watching a video. ***Blah*** Not at all what we expected. We were less than thrilled with the outcome, but on a more positive note, it did really encourage some great conversation between Ron and I the rest of the day Saturday.

We discussed a lot of what wasn't covered in the class that we wished she would have addressed, and our feelings about the "normal" procedures she covered and how we felt about them. So, overall, we did learn a lot---that what we wanted to know wasn't covered and that we needed to do some research! It also gave us the opportunity to discuss our feelings on different subjects.

Sunday we made out our Birth Plan. I hadn't originally planned on doing this, but after the class it was obvious our wishes were not always "the norm." A birth plan is really a sort of list of things we hope can happen and things we don't want to happen during labor and delivery. We plan to discuss it with the doctor next week. Hopefully this will clear some things up for us and put us at ease about some issues that either weren't covered at all in class or were just skimmed over.

We've all both decided that this class really made the birth of our soon-to-be Baby G all too real!We have even started getting together a list for our hospital bag, since I would hate to be scrounging around at the last minute. The nerves have kicked in, and I'm trying to limit myself to one "nesting" activity a day. Sunday I cleaned out every bathroom cupboard and drawer. Monday Mom V. helped me organize the nursery a bit with the gifts we received at the shower. The next on my list is the linen closet--need to make room for baby towels and washcloths:) and the kitchen--again to make room for Baby G. Funny how he/she isn't even here yet, but is already invading every corner of the house!

In other news....this week Tuesday marked 31 weeks! Baby G is active as ever, but seems (for now) to have resolved the night-time dance situation:) The kicks have gone from little jabs into full on pushes. I feel like apologizing that there isn't more room in there! So sorry, Baby G:) Just a while longer!

According to the, Baby G is the size of a squash and now has all five completely functional senses. Also, wake and sleep cycles are beginning to develop--let's hope you keep it straight for a little while longer, I'm enjoying my peaceful nights!

Here is the 31 week photo:

Baby G has also taken a liking to the right side giving me a rather lopsided look :) It's quite humorous--we notice it most often when relaxing at night on the couch or in bed. My stomach has a large bump on the right side, and slopes down on the left. Too funny! Baby G's "parts" are becoming a little more obvious as well. Not that we can feel for sure, but you can often feel a big bump which we assume is a baby G's heiny and pushes from elbows, feet, knees and hands. Sometimes we wish we could see just what you are doing in there! Keep it moving though---we know from our books all this pushing means you are working out your muscles to be nice and strong when you arrive!