Yes! Cloth diapers! Crazy?! We don't think so!
Let's just say the first time I mentioned cloth diapering Baby G to Ron, he got that "deer in the headlights look" to which I quickly whipped up a website showing him photos of "new" cloth diapers. Don't worry hunny! No more folding, giant pins or dunking of poopy diapers involved!! He was still skeptical, but impressed by the new technology. So, I did a little more investigating, and found a business in Holland called EcoBuns. It is a small, family-run business that seemed to have lots of options and information on cloth diapers. They even offer a free class so you can learn all about cloth diapering and if it is for you! They even offer a trial program so you can try out cloth diapering and various kinds of diapers too!
So, Saturday we took the EcoBuns class. Kellie, owner and cloth diapering mom herself, led the class. Both Mom and Dad V. joined us, along with another couple who is due only about two weeks before us. We had a blast! How can it be fun learning about poopy diapers you ask? The information was great and the statistics Kellie showed us were staggering.
For instance, did you know that a baby will go through about 9,000 diaper changes in their first 2.5 years of life? (Ron turned green at this one!) Each disposable takes 200-500 years to decompose too. Yuck!! All those nasty diapers just sitting a landfill like buried treasure for future generations!
We learned all about how it was good for Baby G too! And, the statistic Ron loved the most, that you can save on average $1,500 by choosing cloth!
Needless to say, we were all excited about cloth diapers by the time we left! Mom & Dad V were shocked at how much better the cloth diapering experience is than it was years ago when I was in cloth diapers---no pins, no rubber pants, no dunking, no soaking! They are very supportive of our choice, and Dad says as "Papa" he will even be willing to change them, especially if they include on of those fancy little liners so he doesn't have to touch anything! Haha!
We have also decided that at birth Baby G will be in disposables. Sad, yes. But, I'm just afraid that we will have enough things to worry about immediately. However, once we both get used to the frequent diaper changes and Baby G is out of the "newborn" size, we will be switching to a cloth diaper that we can use for years to come--better for everyone involved!
So, needless to say our first baby-related class was a huge success! Everyone felt like they learned a lot, and that we are making the right choice for our family, and you too Baby G!!
Also, Friday, we had another doctor's appointment. Baby G has an excellent heartbeat and the doctor says everything on the ultrasound looks normal! We were told pains I have been having in my ribs are probably just inflammation of the cartilage from the pressure of all of my organs pushing up into my rib cage to make room for Baby G. At least we know what it is, and have a few suggestions from the doctor for pain relief in the meantime.
Also, here is a photo of me in my 23rd week (taken on Saturday before our class.):